24 Nov 2020

The Game Changer Challenge is a design thinking challenge open to all 2,200+ public schools across the state and centres on exploring tangible solutions to a real-world, wicked problem. The Dungog High School Game Changers were one of eighty-four teams across the state to compete. This amazing team of Year 7 students demonstrated great passion for their community in making it through to the semi-finals. COVID restrictions in place at the time, meant that this year’s semi-final was held by webinar. The students spent a whole day with Ms Ford in the library brainstorming ideas and coming up with a solution to the problem 'How might we use technology to bring everyone in our community closer together?'. They came up with a very clever solution to design a community hub based on sustainable living with all kinds of facilities including a community garden, an up-cycling station, a kitchen, a place to exchange surplus items and more. In a pitch that had to be delivered live on the day through the webinar, the students argued that ‘technology’ doesn’t need to mean digital technology and screens. Technology is all around us in everyday things such as the ‘wheel’ or ‘matches’.
The team didn’t make it to the finals this year, but they are already looking forward to next year’s challenge. Well done to Beau, Freya, Chloe, Bridie and Lily. You did our school proud!